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Having trouble using the app or experiencing errors?

If you experience app performance issues such as crashes or images failing to load, please try these instructions:
1. Clear cache.
- Tap ‘MORE’ on the bottom right of the home screen.
- Tap on ‘SETTINGS’.
- Scroll down to the 'OPTION' section.
- Tap on ‘Clear Cache’.
- Close the WEBTOON app and any other apps before restarting WEBTOON.
2. Check your network connection.
- WEBTOON pages may not open or start properly when your network connection is unstable. Contact your network service provider if you are unable to connect to your network.
3. Delete and reinstall the app.
- If clearing the cache does not resolve the issue, we recommend that you reinstall the app. If you continue to experience the same error after reinstalling, please get in touch with our Community Support team so that we can investigate the issue further. 
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